Saturday, November 30, 2019

Pregnancy assignment Essay Example

Pregnancy assignment Essay Mother 0-40 weeks 4-5 weeks This is about the time that you will miss your first period but you may not realize youre pregnant. 6-7 weeks We will write a custom essay sample on Pregnancy assignment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pregnancy assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pregnancy assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You may feel more tiered than ever or you may vomit or not even feel any of these. A test will confirm youre pregnant. 8-9 weeks There is a rapid rise in the production of hormones from the placenta and ovary to adapt for pregnancy, so you may feel nauseous. Your wombs sufficiently large for a doctor to confirm that you are pregnant, by internal examination. 10 weeks You may start to notice that you are putting on weight and your bones; breasts in particular may be getting heavier. Buy a good support bra. 12 weeks You have now missed two periods and have no doubts that you are pregnant. You may notice increased skin pigmentation in various parts of your body, and a brown line may appear up the middle of your stomach. You may still be nauseous and vomiting. 16 weeks This is the stage of pregnancy that may test for normality is carried out and you may have another ultrasound scan. All morning sickness will normally have disappeared as you enter the stage that most women look their best. Your pregnancy may start to show although if you start to have good abdomen muscles and on the small side. Your tighter clothes will start to not fit you now. 20 weeks If this is your first pregnancy you will probably feel the baby for the first time. You may get a fluttering sensation as your pregnancy progresses, these movements become definite kicks and you will be able to tell whether the elbow/bottom or foot is doing the kicking. Tell your midwife or gp when you first feel a movement. 24 weeks Your abdomen in getting large as time is passing and you may start to develop stretch marks. A doctor may be able to hear your babys heartbeat ask to listen. The increasing size and weight of your womb will also affect your posture, and you will throw back your shoulders and stick your bottom in and relax if you take regular exercise this helps. This is the time your shoes need to be comfortable because you are gaining weight and try to spend time with your feet up. 26 weeks Your heart and lungs are now doing 50% more work than they did before you were pregnant make sure that your eating well. 28 weeks You will probably start having antenatal appointments every two weeks from now on. This is the earliest which you can begin your maternity leave, if you work consider when you might want to stop working you must give 21 days notice, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and enough rest. 30 weeks Most babies have now turned head down in the womb and are likely to stay here. The upward pressure on your abdomen may take more time and more difficultly to breathe properly. If you have other children make arrangements now for their care even if you have a home birth, and its best prepared incase something goes wrong. 34 weeks Kicks and punches will now be very clear. If you have stopped work spend time relaxing, read a book, go for a walk, rest. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and eat well. 36 weeks The pressure of the head on you bladder may make you want to urinate frequently including at night so that getting a good nights sleep may be difficult. Try to catch up during the day. From now on your antenatal appointments will be every week. Pack your bag for hospital and keep important phone numbers handy. Make sure you can always contact your partner if you need him. You may feel quite strong contractions of you abdomen know as braxton hicks contractions, they occur through pregnancy. 40 Weeks Get plenty of rest catnaps during the day to make up for the lost sleep at night. If you feel up for it go for a walk or swim. If not trying to relax in a bath. Many women get an urge to spring clean, tidying. Out pops a newborn baby!!!! Pregnancy Symptoms In addition to the change in monthly cycle here are a few of the other early pregnancy symptoms that you can expect to notice. Nausea Nausea coupled with vomiting are often early signs of pregnancy and can start within a few weeks of contraception although referred to as morning sickness, it can actually be at anytime during the day. It will affect you at the same time everyday for a few weeks. You need to be drinking plenty of fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. Spotting Sometimes a slight spotting will occur approx 8-10 days after ovulation. Its light amount of bleeding not painful or harming you. This spotting is caused by fertilized egg as it attaches itself to the endometrias lining of the uterus. Fatigue A feeling of over whelming fatigue, around 3rd to 4th week until the second trimester at which time you will experience a sudden burst of energy, caused by changes in your body. Breast tenderness Generally during the first month of conception, you will start o experience tenderness in one or both breasts. You will find even a slight touch will cause discomfort and they may swell. The veins in the breast become more visible and the nipples darken in color and become more erect. Wear a good support bra. Frequent urination More trips to the bathroom. The uterus growing and swelling as it makes room for the growing fetus. Growth puts pressure on the uterus, adds pressure to bladder. As the fetus grows you will be making more trips. Lightheadedness or fainting This occurs during the first few months as your body changes because your now nourishing another life and you will need an increased supply if you dont eat frequent, small amounts, your blood sugar levels may drop, making you dizzy or light headed. Confirmation Pregnancy test HCG- (human chlorionic gonadotrophin) in present in the urine of pregnant women and reach the highest level at 8th week can be detected 10 days to 16 weeks after contraception. Enlargement of uterus. Diet During Pregnancy Pregnant women need to eat a healthy balanced diet. A healthy diet during pregnancy: 1. Fruit and vegetables- at least 5 portions a day 2. Sugar and fat- only a very small amount 3. Dairy- low fat is best 4. Meat, fish and eggs- more protein foods should be eaten in pregnancy. 5. Carbohydrates- needed for energy Food requirement Why pregnant women need it. Where it is found Folic acid Prevents spina bifida in the body Fruit green leafy vegetables, beans, potatoes, carrots breakfast cereal, bread Vitamin c For healthy skin, heal wounds and prevent scurvy, pregnant women need more so some goes to the baby. Fresh fruit and vegetables Calcium Helps babys bones develop Dairy products and leafy vegetables Iron Bay stores enough iron for six months after birth Red meat, eggs, apricots, bread and cereal Fibre Avoids constipation Fruit, vegetables and whole meal bread Vegetarian mums Vegetarian mums need to make sure they get enough protein by having extra eggs and milk. Vegetarian mums need to take vitamin B12 supplements- this is found only in animal protein and is needed for fetal development and breast feeding. Some foods should be avoided: Unpateurised milk e.g. Pate, uncooked meat can contain bacteria. Listeria infections cause miscarriage, stillbirth and other damages to the baby. Raw eggs- food made with raw eggs e.g. mayonnaise can cause salmonella. Reheated ready meals- cause risk of food poisoning and tux plasmodia, which can cause brain damages in the body, miscarriage and stillbirth. Peanuts- can give baby a nut allergy, which is very dangerous and can kill. Tuna- Tuna causes enough mercury to damage fetus. Exercise, Posture and Rest Theres no reason for a women to stop exercising because shes pregnant. * Exercise keeps muscles toned * Exercise stops women from putting o too much weight during pregnancy. * Regular exercise helps sleep, after exercise its easier to relax. * Labor and birth are hard work. Like all hard work its much easier to do if youre fit. Exercise such as horse riding, skiing, snowboarding is not suitable for pregnant women. Exercise also helps: * Constipation * Backache * Fatigue * Varicose veins * Circulation problems * Meeting other mums to be Exercise boosts your immune system and provides the circulation and energy levels needed to help you conceive enjoy your pregnancy and prepare you body fro labor. Posture Tips * Kneel or squat to pick things up dont bend over * When getting up from lying down, roll on to your side and get up. * Sit up straight in a chair and use a cushion fro support Good posture Standing tall, spine is straight and the weight is nicely balanced. Bad posture The spine is arched and the bum is sticking out too much. Rest Pregnant women need some rest every day. Just an hour or so with feet up takes pressure off legs and back and prevents varicose veins and backache. Effects of Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol and Rubella on Fetus Smoking The thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke (including second hand smoke) such as carbon monoxide and nicotine are toxins that move through your bloodstream and harm your developing baby. When you smoke your baby is confined in a smoke filled womb and this is reducing the flow of oxygen to your baby. The nicotine can cause your babys heart rate to increase (as well as yours) and can damage and decrease your babys supply of nutrients because of your increased blood pressure and blood vessel constriction. The baby will be born smaller than others. Theres a chance of miscarriage and stillbirth. Drugs * Drugs can also cross the placenta and get into the babys blood * Illegal drugs like ecstasy; cocaine, heroin, LSD, amphetamines, cannabis and solvents can damage the developing fetus. * Babies become addicted to illegal drugs if the mother takes them during pregnancy they are born addicted, and suffer withdrawal symptoms when theyre born. Addicted babies are smaller than usual with a high pitched, wailing cry. And its difficult to get them to sleep. * Prescription drugs can also harm the developing fetus. Alcohol * Alcohol can pass across the placenta to the fetuss blood. * It can interfere with growth of the fetus * Even worse it can severely affect development of the brain. * Damage to brain and nervous system caused by alcohol is called fetal alcohol syndrome Rubella German measles this disease is very dangerous in the first four months. If it survives the 9 months and is born it may be born deaf, blind, have a heart disease or a learning difficulty. Antenatal Care Antenatal Care appointments are your opportunity to find out all you need to know about your pregnancy, as well as a chance to monitor you and your developing babys health. Where do you have it? Hospitals where babies are born have antenatal clinics other places are: 1. With your family doctor 2. With community midwifes 3. In your own home, midwife or doctor visits you What happens? Your first antenatal appointment will probably be your booking in appointment usually about 8-12 weeks. Youll be asked a number of questions about your health your family history and any previous pregnancies. The aim is to get a good basic idea of your pregnancy so far. Routine Checks at the other appointments are: * Blood pressure * Weight * Palpation- feeling your tummy * Listening to your babys heart * Questions about your babys movements * Urine tests * Checking any swelling in your legs arms or face * Questions about how you feel How often? Not counting appointments for scans or other hospital based tests, you can expect to have appointments every four weeks after week 12 every 2 weeks from week 32 every week during the last three or four weeks. Antenatal care clinical guideline covers: * The care women can expect to receive from their midwife and doctors during their pregnancy, whether they plan to give birth at home or in hospital * The information given is expected * What they can afford from antenatal appointments * Aspects of their lifestyle that they may want to consider (such as diet exercise, alcohol, drugs intake sexual activity and smoking) * Routine screening tests fro specific conditions * Occupational risk factors in pregnancy * What will happen if pregnancy goes beyond 41 weeks * What will happen if the baby is bottom first (known as breech position) for the birth Antenatal Care The uterus is checked 1. The midwife/doctor feels the uterus to check how big the fetus is, where it is in the uterus and if its moving. 2. The uterus is measured. The distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus, gives a good idea of fetal far along the pregnancy is. 3. From 16 weeks onwards, the midwife/doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope. Urine samples are tested 1. Keystones are compound from in the urine when the bodys dehydrated. She may need extra fluids via a drip. 2. Glucose in the urine is a sign of gestational diabetes, which usually goes away after birth. 3. Protein in the urine is a sign of bladder and kidney infections and pre-edampsia causes high blood pressure, headaches, swelling, abdominal pains and weight gain. Women with sever pre- eclipse need to be in hospital and maybe have the birth induced before its due. Untreated pre eclipse leads to eclipse fits, organ failure and death of mother and baby. Height, Weight and Blood pressure are checked 1. Measuring height and weight gives a good idea of size of the pregnant womens pelvis. 2. Most pregnant women put on about 10-12kg during the pregnancy none of thats down to the baby theres amniotic fluid, placenta umbilical cord and fat stored ready for milk production 3. Not gaining weight can mean the fetus has stopped growing or died 4. Blood pressure is checked a big increase in blood pressure is a sign of pre- eclipse. Screening and diagnostic tests check for problems Ultra sound 1. Uses high frequency sound to get a picture of the fetus. 2. The womans belly is coated with gel and a hand held scanner is moved back and forth over it 3. A grainy black and white picture of the baby appears on the monitor 4. Its easy to see if the woman is having twins, and doctors can tell sex of the baby. The size of the babys head gives a good idea of long the pregnancy is, which means you can work out the due date. Blood tests are taken 1. Anemia is a lack of iron in the blood it makes the woman feel tiered and worn out. 2. Immunity from rubella is tested sexually transmitted diseases are checked for too. 3. Blood group and Rhesus factor are checked complications can arise of the mother has rhesus negative blood, but the baby has rhesus positive. 4. Hepatitis B and care viruses that cause liver disease mother and baby can both be treated 5. Blood sugar levels are checked to see if the woman has gestational diabetes. Serum Screening (Triple Tests) 1. Measure the levels of two hormones and a protein called alpha-fetoprotein in the mothers blood between 15+18 weeks pregnant. 2. Very high levels of AFP many mean its twins, or very rarely that the baby might have spina bifida or even the woman is more than 18 weeks pregnant. 3. Low levels of AFP can mean the baby has downs syndrome or that the woman is less than 15 weeks pregnant. If there is a risk of downs syndrome mother is offered amniocentesis. Amniocentesis 1. A needle is inserted through the mothers skin, into the uterus and into the amniotic sac. Same amniotic fluid is taken and the fetal cells it contains are tested. 2. The test shows up abnormalities like downs syndrome and spina bifida its only done if the blood test shows there a risk or if the mothers older than average. Chronic Villous Sampling 1. A needle is inserted through the mothers skin and through the wall of the uterus; a sample of the placenta is removed and tested. 2. The test detects downs syndrome its done if theres a family history or inherited problems or if the mother is older than average.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Mental Health Reform

Mental Health Reform: What It Would Really Take In today’s society there is a greater awareness of mental illnesses. With this greater awareness one might assume that there would be a substantial increase in government involvement or funding in the area of mental illness treatment. Unfortunately this isn’t the case in the U.S. today. There are hundreds of thousands of people with mental illness that go untreated. These potential patients go untreated for many reasons. These reasons are discussed in the Time article â€Å"Mental Health Reform: What Would it Really Take. The article gives some examples of what has happened to people that have not received mental treatment due to lack of government funding. These mentally ill people often don’t receive treatment because the police are often picking up the mentally ill and they are not trained to diagnose mental problems so the problems go unnoticed. This can prove to be fatal. The article tells about a New York man who asked to be hospitalized because he was terrified of phantom voices instead of the correct treatment budget conscious officials most often referred him to short term emergency care. Last year the man in a psychotic state shoved a woman from a subway platform to her death under the wheels of the train. The article also discusses some possible solutions that could help stop such tragedies. The main person that is speaking out for more government aid is vice-president’s wife Tipper Gore. Tipper openly states that she too has suffered from mental illness. She says tha t she had suffered with depression for a period of time. She is advocating an increase in government funding to improve access to care for others. She would also like employers to help by providing equal insurance coverage for mental and physical health. Currently insurance plans can charge higher co-payments for psychaitric visits than for other medical care. I feel that even if the proposa... Free Essays on Mental Health Reform Free Essays on Mental Health Reform Mental Health Reform: What It Would Really Take In today’s society there is a greater awareness of mental illnesses. With this greater awareness one might assume that there would be a substantial increase in government involvement or funding in the area of mental illness treatment. Unfortunately this isn’t the case in the U.S. today. There are hundreds of thousands of people with mental illness that go untreated. These potential patients go untreated for many reasons. These reasons are discussed in the Time article â€Å"Mental Health Reform: What Would it Really Take. The article gives some examples of what has happened to people that have not received mental treatment due to lack of government funding. These mentally ill people often don’t receive treatment because the police are often picking up the mentally ill and they are not trained to diagnose mental problems so the problems go unnoticed. This can prove to be fatal. The article tells about a New York man who asked to be hospitalized because he was terrified of phantom voices instead of the correct treatment budget conscious officials most often referred him to short term emergency care. Last year the man in a psychotic state shoved a woman from a subway platform to her death under the wheels of the train. The article also discusses some possible solutions that could help stop such tragedies. The main person that is speaking out for more government aid is vice-president’s wife Tipper Gore. Tipper openly states that she too has suffered from mental illness. She says tha t she had suffered with depression for a period of time. She is advocating an increase in government funding to improve access to care for others. She would also like employers to help by providing equal insurance coverage for mental and physical health. Currently insurance plans can charge higher co-payments for psychaitric visits than for other medical care. I feel that even if the proposa...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Self-Contained Classrooms

Self-Contained Classrooms Self-contained classrooms are classrooms specifically designated for children with disabilities. Self-contained programs are usually indicated for children with more serious disabilities who may not be able to participate in general education programs at all. These disabilities include autism, emotional disturbances, severe intellectual disabilities, multiple handicaps and children with serious or fragile medical conditions.  Students assigned to these programs have often been assigned to less restrictive (see LRE) environments and have failed to succeed, or they started in targeted programs designed to help them succeed. Requirements LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) is the legal concept found in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that requires schools to place children with disabilities most like the settings where their general education peers will be taught. School districts are required to offer a full continuum of placements from the most restrictive (self-contained) to the least restrictive (full inclusion.) Placements should be made in the best interest of the children rather than the convenience of the school. Students placed in self-contained classrooms should be spending some time in the general education environment, if only for lunch.  The goal of an effective self-contained program is to increase the amount of time that the student spends in the general education environment.  Often students in self-contained programs go to specials art, music, physical education or humanities, and participate with the support of classroom para-professionals.  Students in programs for children with emotional disturbances usually spend part of their day on an expanding basis in the appropriate grade level class.  Their academics may be supervised by the general education teacher while they receive support from their special education teacher in managing difficult or challenging behaviors.  Often, in the course of a successful year, the student may move from self-contained to a less restrictive setting, such as resource or even consult. The only placement more restrictive than a self-contained classroom is a residential placement, where students are in a facility that is as much treatment as it is education. Some districts have special schools made up of only self-contained classrooms, which might be considered halfway between self-contained and residential since the schools are not close to students homes. Other Names Self-contained settings, Self-contained programs Example: Due to Emilys anxiety and self-injurious behavior, her IEP team decided that a self-contained classroom for students with Emotional Disturbances would be the best place to keep her safe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literature review Example ke your feelings out in an email, saying something like, â€Å"You haven’t responded yet,† or â€Å"You ignored my first email.† Just maintain an extremely polite tone throughout the entire email thread. Showing that you’re friendly and that you understand how busy your contact is a good way to keep him or her interested (and not mad). Sending a follow-up email every day doesn’t show you have gumption or passion, it shows you don’t respect a person’s time. The general rule of thumb is to give at least a week before following up. Any sooner and it might come off as pushy; let too much time pass and you risk the other person not having any clue who you are exactly. I typically start off with an email every week, and then switch to every couple of weeks. If you’ve followed up a few times and still haven’t heard back, it’s worth directly asking if you should stop following up. After all, you don’t want to waste your time, either. I’ll sometimes say, â€Å"I know how busy you are and completely understand if you just haven’t had the time to reach back out. But I don’t want to bombard you with emails if you’re not interested. Just let me know if you’d prefer I stop following up.† Most people respect honesty and don’t want to waste someone’s time, and they’ll at least let you know one way or another. I once had someone trying to sell me something that I was remotely interested in but that was nowhere near the top of my priority list. Every week, he’d send me a new email quickly re-explaining what he sold—as well as a suggestion for good pizza to try around the city. Why? He had seen a blog post where I mentioned I’d eat pizza 24/7 if I could, and cleverly worked that into his follow-up. It made him stand out in a good way, and as a result, we eventually had a call. The lesson: If done well, a little creativity in your follow up can go a long way. If you’re following up about a job, try Alexandra Franzen’s tips for giving the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Enviromental management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Enviromental management - Essay Example Environmental management is not only the conservation of the environment solely for the sake of the environment but also for the humankind’s sake. Environmental management involves management of the biophysical environment, biotic and abiotic. Environmental management is inclusive of the human environment like the economic, cultural and social environment with the biophysical environment. The task of environmental management is multidisciplinary and requires the efforts and cooperation of the various constituent groups (Baxter, Dupont & Theodore, 1998). Industries are vital in the advancement of each country’s economic development but if not regulated can be hazardous to the people living around the industries. The management staff of the industries should implement environmental management practices especially in prevention of leakage to the neighboring residential houses and proper management of effluents. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the people working in the industry are safe and implements safety standards incase there is an emergency (Khanji & Uqaili, 2010). Paintex Chemicals manufactures lacquers and spray paints for use in building and construction industry. The factory is located around a residential area and neighbors a catholic primary school on the northern edge. This shows how the management of the paint manufacturing company should put satisfactory safety and health management practices. From the fact that Paintex Chemicals manufactures spray paints which may contain lead and other chemicals harmful to the environment as well as the human beings, the management has the obligation of ensuring that there is right disposal of the effluents and implements other safety precautions incase there is an emergency like fire. The management should ensure that there is no effluent release to the neighboring residential houses and in case of an emergency there is no debris to interfere with the living or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Most Dangerous Game Essay Example for Free

The Most Dangerous Game Essay The exciting suspense of action of Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game brings in a dark, mysterious, and evil setting as it takes us to a young mans storm of thoughts about the game of hunting and the instinct to survive. Rainsford was his name, and he was a proud hunter full of wit and reason. He loved hunting and did not care nor know about the feelings of the huntees. He eventually meets up with another hunter named Zaroff who gives him the feeling of being hunted and changes his ideas of hunting. Zaroff was bored with hunting because his intelligence exceeded the animals instincts. Therefore, he set his eyes on the most dangerous hunt ever, the hunt between him and Rainsford. The suspense in this breathtaking short story is extremely important because it keeps us wondering what Rainsfords and Zaroffs next moves are in the hunt. It keeps our minds active and thoughtful, feeding us with surprises and wonder. One incident when Rainsford makes a leap for the cold waters to avoid Zaroff and the hounds shows us the surprise of the action. The second after that, we wonder if he died of loss of oxygen. Every minute, Connell brings us another little event to bring up the suspense. Without the suspense, the story would be meaningless and boring. It would lose the audiences attention and we would lose the audiences attention and probably not read it today. So the suspense is one element that holds this story together. The point of view in this story is important because it brings in the suspense, conflicts, and the characters thoughts that help us understand what is going on in the story. This omniscient point of view is what allows the author to bring up the suspense, which is an extremely important element, as well as the external conflicts between the general and Rainsford during the hunt. If it was in the first person point of view, we do not know what is going on with General Zaroff. That leaves out some of the story and brings in the frustration as well as irritation. Many of the other elements such as other characters, will be much more poorer than it is right now. It is important to have an omniscient point of view in this particular story. The deep, dark, and evil setting is another element that shows up like a diamond among other duller jewels. It shoots out the audience to another world where as sense of darkness pulls at their mind. An eerie sense of foreshadowing is hinted in the setting too. The setting is part of the thrilling suspense in the story. It captivates the audiences attention and brings them into the story. This was the intelligent of the author in my opinion. In the setting, we see the two friends as they talk of this Ship-Trap Island with the bad reputation and nights of black. It makes us wonder what this island has that is so bad and dark. Our curiosity latches onto this part of the story. That is why the setting is so important. These three elements: suspense, point of view, and setting, are in my opinion, the most important elements in this short story that is powerful and luring. They hold the story together and bind it to make up the story itself. Analyzing the story made it clear to me what the author used to make this story. It is a very compelling story and caught my attention right from the start. It took me away into its own world. I doubt that I will ever forget it. It is one of the most shocking stories I have ever read. The Most Dangerous Game is one story that will probably leave one dazed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Crime and Punishment and Raskolnikovs article, On Crime :: Crime Punishment Essays

Crime and Punishment and Raskolnikov's article, "On Crime" Raskolnikov's article, "On Crime," is vital to the understanding of his beliefs. This article also has a profound effect on Crime and Punishment as a whole, the subject matter being one of the main themes of the novel. The idea of the "extraordinary man" is referred to literally throughout the book, but also notable is the subconscious effect the idea has on Raskolnikov. Sometimes Raskolnikov is not even aware of this influence. It is important to note originality, or the ability to "utter a new word," as a defining characteristic of the extraordinary man. Therefore, we must take into account the presence of similar ideas, those of Pisarev, Nietzsche, and nihilism, as these might bring to light the possibility that Raskolnikov is not original, a possibility that haunts him throughout the novel. Within the article Raskolnikov analyzes the psychology of a criminal before and after the crime. This main portion of the article is not discussed, but it is likely that the psychological explanation that Porfiry gives Raskolnikov later, in the examination, is very similar. During this later examination, Raskolnikov appears resentful, but never disputes what Porfiry tells him, perhaps because it is a regurgitation of Raskolnikov's own thoughts. In the last meeting of the two men, Porfiry admits that he liked the article very much, and actually felt a connection with it. The one part of the main body of the article that is mentioned is "that the perpetration of a crime is always accompanied by illness" (225). Porfiry comments that this idea is very original; Raskolnikov welcomes this praise. Shortly, Porfiry moves on to the main topic of their discussion, a topic only mentioned briefly in the article, the idea that "certain persons...have a perfect right to commit breaches of morality and crimes" (225). Raskolnikov immediately realizes that Porfiry is intentionally exaggerating the idea, and "decided to take up the challenge" (226). Dostoevsky lets the reader know that the conversation will be a battle of wits. The ensuing argumentative dialogue makes the passage very entertaining, especially in contrast to later interviews between the two, in which Porfiry does nearly all the talking (he loves to hear himself talk). Raskolnikov attempts to clarify his idea, explaining that the "extraordinary" people have the right, but are not bound, to "overstep obstacles" if it is "essential" for the fulfillment of their idea.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Distracted by Today’s Technology Essay

We are part of a country that is focused on making life easier and faster. Technology is something that is constantly on the rise, we are always looking for that new gadget better than the last that is meant to facilitate the everyday life. As a result, many people are starting to lose the ability to show emotions or even carry on a face-to-face conversation, therefore making it difficult for those individuals to develop appropriate social skills. Unfortunately, we fail to see the damage that is being caused by the amount of time being spent on texting, playing with video games, or spending countless hours on social networks as an alternative to making new acquaintances or spending quality time with their loved ones. Let’s start with text messages, known as one of the most popular method of communication these days. It is an unavoidable fact that the text message has become a necessary part of our lives. Like with new couples, who are unable to attain an appropriate sense of what their new partner is actually like. These couples often prefer the convenience of texting as a way of getting to know each other, as opposed to talking on the phone or going on dates. What they fail to realize is that, by trying to maintain a relationship mostly through texting and with barely any physical interaction they are truly inhibiting their ability to assess reactions, expressions or feelings shown by the other person. Sadly, these couples usually choose to end their relationship before knowing if it truly had a chance to flourish into a something meaningful. Although talking on a cellular phone while behind the wheel of a car has been proven to be dangerous, it has now taken a back seat to those drivers who surf the internet and text while on the road. According to a study done by The American Automobile Association, forty-six percent of teens who were interviewed admitted to being distracted behind the wheel because of texting. Many parents will instruct their children not to text while behind the wheel, when in all reality they are not following what they preach by continuing to put us all at risk. Overall, it is a real source of concern that these individuals are consciously adding to the increasing number of accidents on our roads today. Then we have video games, which have been around for decades. In recent years, the popularity of video games has sky rocketed amongst our youth. Our children are learning how to hijack a car from a pregnant mother with her two kids, shoot a gangster with an automatic weapon, and even drag race down the streets of a quiet neighborhood, all from the comfort of their couch. The days of going outside to play with friends and bike riding have been replaced by sitting in front of a television set and playing with your Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation, just to name a few. Homework and chores are often overlooked, but worse are the many parents that are using these gaming devices as babysitters as an alternative to spending quality time with their kids. Many parents remain satisfied by simply knowing that their children are safely in the house, dismissing the possibility their children are becoming couch potatoes with no social skills. Sadly, many of these children are not receiving any other exercise than what is given during their P.E. class in school. These are the children that will likely end up as obese, anti-social members of our society. Lastly, we are now surrounded by social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter that are dedicated to connecting friends and family that live all around the world with the intentions of increasing communication between them. Friends can post pictures, write about what they are doing at the moment, and surf other friends profiles. While we cannot deny the benefits that these sites may provide, we should also not fail to realize the many dangers that can be linked to these social networks. Computer viruses are one of the most common disadvantages seen with social networks, one wrong click and you could send all you personal information to some crook across the country. But more damaging are the ill effects that our children are likely to encounter. Cyber bullying is much more intense and malicious than what some of us may have experienced in our high school hallways. Teasing, harassing, and name calling are now posted on the internet for everyone to see. In 2006, a teenage girl committed suicide for the constant bullying she received from her classmates and even one of their parents, her mother never suspected any of it. More importantly, many children and teenagers are now sharing too much information with strangers that they meet online, believing they are someone of their same age and with their same interests. Unknowingly, they are making themselves easy targets for predators of all kinds. This could possibly be avoided if parents were to limit the time spent online and diligently monitor their internet usage. I understand that some people may disagree with my views on the damaging effects that could be associated with allowing too much technology into all aspects of our lives. At the end of the day, what are the benefits we are receiving from allowing technology to play such a large role in our lives? Are we coming together at the end of the day? The days of â€Å"family dinner time† are slowly becoming memories of the past. Fewer are the families that sit around a table to share a meal, socialize, and relate stories about their day. We are missing out on opportunities to bond with our children and watch them grow. As well as new couples that would benefit from more phone conversations and dates, perhaps giving themselves a better chance at a more meaningful and stable relationship, possibly reducing the current divorce rates. It is a fact that we live in a world that technology has become a must in our lives. We are now dependent on cellular phones, and computers, while our children are consumed by their games. I also agree that all of the advancements made by technology are simply indented to somehow improve the way we function on a daily basis. But there should be a limit to how much technology we allow in our lives. Maybe we should make an effort to dedicate time to our families by turning off the cellular phone and put aside the computer a few nights a week. The benefits we will receive for maintaining a loving and nurturing relationship with our loved ones will continue to be evident for years to come.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Symbolism in the Road Not Taken, “A Worn Path”, and I Used to Live Here Once

2Symbolism in Literature Published by susansteppe, February 27, 2011 Symbolism in â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, â€Å"A Worn Path†, and â€Å"Used to Live Here Once†. When looking at the short story and poem it is impossible to see it all in a literal form. There is always some sort of symbolism that occurs within the body of the text, but what is symbolism. It can be defined differently by many people. Even when looking at a dictionary it does not typically give a thorough answer. It is because symbolism is created by the author. However, it can be contradicted or have a completely obscure meaning to the reader. This is the exact reason why symbolism cannot be defined. However, it can be interpreted. Understanding the journey that characters take and their symbolic nature is definitely worth decoding. In fact, the symbolism of the journey is usually the basis behind the literary work itself. One of the well-known literary works with a symbolic journey is Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken. † In the poem there is a man who has come to a crossroad in his life. One path is traveled on frequently while the other path is not. He has to make a decision as to what path he should take. No matter what, he knows that he cannot turn back once he has made the choice, but it is implied. He chooses the path less traveled and, in turn, it happens to be the best choice he had ever made. Many have analyzed this poem and many have come up with different ideas of what it actually means. Some say it is about suicide, some say it is about life changes, while others insist it is about life changes. When is the interpretation wrong? The reader gets what they must out of the poem as they read it. It depends on what life situation they are going through at that time. The author, Robert Frost, knew what he was writing about. Therefore, the interpretation of the poem actually merges itself with the reader. Regardless, there is a journey that occurs throughout this poem. To analyze the literary work there needs to be a beginning. Read more in Poetry  « Does a Sonnet Always Have 14 Lines? Poetry Comparison Essay – â€Å"The Evacuee† and â€Å"Death of a Naturalist†  »In the first two lines of Robert Frost’s poem he says: â€Å"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both† (Clugston, R. W. , 2010; section 2. 2). There is a certain symbolism in the yellow wood. It is not that the forest was filled with yellow trees. It was obviously at the beginning of fall. Fall is the season that everyone slows down from the summer. The anticipation of winter is coming and can cause a sort of depression in some people. It would explain why he wanted to travel both. The following line says: â€Å"And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth† (Clugston, R. W. , 2010; sec 2. 2). Here the reader comes to understand that the man took his time looking down the path. This could symbolize patience or a lack of movement, which would again go along with the idea that the man was depressed. Another aspect of the idea of depression, one path had leaves on it while the other was grassy. When someone is depressed they do not want to go down a dreary path. Instead, they would want to go down the grassy path that looked less traveled. Perhaps then something would change in their life. The actual symbolism of the paths themselves goes right along with that idea. However, the man was obviously optimistic because he did think about saving the one path for another day. He does contradict himself when he doubts that he will come back. The symbolism occurs with his doubts. He knows that once he goes down one path that he will not be able to come back at all. When the reader thinks about it there is an ordinary situation with this scenario because the entire poem is about a man who stops when he comes to a fork in the road. Nevertheless, the road actually is a symbol for life. That is where the imaginative language is used, and it is used in order to create emotion. Should the man go down the path with the leaves covering it? What are the leaves representing? The leaves were not scattered everywhere, so the road was less traveled upon. In fact, the leaves represent the difficult trials that were to follow. Basically, it is easier to walk a path that has nothing in the way then one that does not. Therefore, the images that are particularly effective are the two paths and the leaves. These symbols change the tone of the poem to confusion, but it actually provokes deep thought when the traveler states that he took the one less traveled by. In the short story â€Å"A Worn Path† symbolism of the journey also occurs. Yet, it is much different from Frost’s â€Å"A Path Not Taken. In Frost’s poem he has the choice of two different paths, but in â€Å"A Worn Path† the old woman, Phoenix Jackson, takes the same path over and over again. The path that Phoenix takes is a path that she has taken many times before in order to get medicine for her grandson. The symbol of the path is life’s long journey. After all, she is an old woman who has dealt with many things in her life. The symbolism of the pendulum in a grandfather clock also pertains to her age. She is an old woman, a poor one at that, who walks with a cane made from an old umbrella. She was very old and small and she walked slowly in the dark pine shadows, moving a little from side to side in her steps, with the balanced heaviness and lightness of a pendulum in a grand-father clock† (Clugston, R. W. , 2010 sec 6. 3). When Phoenix hears the noises in the thicket she is determined to make sure they stay away. This represents her strength of mind. Her willpower is a large part of the symbolism within the story because of the long journey she has to take. She is not on a mission to help herself. Instead, she is on a mission to help a part of her family. Therefore, it is a purpose driven trip, so when the animals make noise in the distance she does everything possible to make sure she scares them off. It is a life-saving task in which she cannot fail. It is then that Phoenix has to climb a hill that is almost too difficult for her. The hill actually symbolizes the struggle of life. When everyone is a child it is easy to do anything. Hills are no big deal to climb, bicycles are easy to ride, and running everywhere is as simple as eating. However, as a person ages it is more difficult to do things. That is where the hill comes in to play. She needs to climb the hill in order to conquer aging. There was no way that she could give up easily because of the journey she was taking. Also on the hill is a bush that catches her dress. The bush signifies the obstacles in her life. She obviously lived a hard life. She had many wrinkles, her clothes spoke for themselves, and she had not been able to clean herself every day. The fact that she was poor epitomizes the fact that she had lived a hard life up until this point. Once she freed herself from the bush it characterized her willpower again. Nothing was going to stop her from completing her task. Another important factor about the bush was that she yelled at it. She called in a pretty green bush. That symbolizes the fact that she did not recognize the many of the obstacles in her life until they actually came to pass. After she struggles with the bush she sees the sun. The sun signifies the importance of dealing with the struggles in her life. Basically, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. She was freed from that turmoil that happened in her life and she could go on. There was a new beginning, or she could start things anew. Unfortunately, that was not the end of her struggle through life because there was the large log in the way. The log embodies the act of accomplishment. No one could stand in for her. She, Phoenix, had to overcome her own tussle. Once again, a fight for security is symbolized with the barbed wire fence. On her journey she sees a buzzard, which is a symbol of death. When thinking about a buzzard many imagine them circling around a carcass. It is their way of claiming their meal for the day. Nevertheless, this one was just sitting there. The fact that he was not moving could symbolize death waiting for her. Yet, Phoenix was not ready for death. She may be getting old, but there was no room for death in her excursion. Shortly after she sees the buzzard she comes upon a scarecrow. Buzzards, crows, and other birds usually sit on the arms of a scarecrow. That exemplifies death as well, but instead of avoiding the scarecrow she dances in front of it. She was mocking death, or telling death in her own way that she would have no part of it. After all, she was on a mission to help her grandson. He had a throat condition, probably asthma, which prevented him from doing many things. There was no way she was going to give up her exertion. When Phoenix finally reached her destination it was a symbol of accomplishment. When thinking about the entire path it indicates the journey throughout life. As a baby everything is taken care of. There are no worries within life because there is someone to lean on. That is the first part of the path. The second part of the path, the hill, is the beginning of hardships. Each tribulation got bigger and bigger the older Phoenix became until she came to a point in her life when her burdens were easier to overcome. Yet, when she does get the medicine for her grandson she has to go through the entire trip over again. Again, it symbolizes more difficulties in life and the many obstacles that she had to deal with in her life. â€Å"A Worn Path† is the perfect depiction of how many people’s lives turn out. No one gets a free ride in life, which means everyone has to deal with their own miseries, troubles, and sufferings in order to become better people. Phoenix is a strong-natured, strong-willed, and head-strong woman because she dealt with her ordeals in life. It may have been difficult at times, but she became an accomplished woman in her own right. Another short story that symbolizes life’s journey is â€Å"Used to Live Here Once. † The first trek of her journey was the rocks in the stream. Each rock represents a significant part of the trials everyone has to deal with in life. For instance, the round unsteady rock symbolizes the rocky road people must endure throughout life. No one truly gets the easy way out of life because there is always something that makes the journey unstable. The safe stone represents childhood. When someone is a child they do not need to be dependent on themselves in order to get through their distresses in life. A mother carries her newborn, feeds them, and cares for them. Basically, the newborn has no worries. Even as a child growing up there are really no burdens to deal with. There might be anxieties, but the child’s mother, or father, is there to catch them when they fall. They can look around as long as they want at their life and perhaps where they might be in the future. The rock, itself, is the parents. The next rock was no so safe because it was slippery and when the water rose it would be covered. This rock indicates the time of life when there are trials and tribulations to endure. The first is, of course, becoming a teenager. There are worries, distresses, pains, and hardships to deal with. The rising of the water actually designates the rush of life after becoming an adult. A person is on their own with no one to catch them, but themselves. They need to have a watchful eye whenever difficulties arise, and sometimes those ordeals can be overbearing. There are even times when that person falls, but they always get up again. Reaching the other side of the stream designates or symbolizes the triumph over the tribulations in life. It is safe, so there is nothing to fear. The ground is secure and it is easy sailing from there. The road that the woman travels on is much wider than it used to be. It says in the story, â€Å"The road was much wider than it used to be but the work had been done carelessly† (Clugston, R. W. , 2010, sec 7. 5). This can be interpreted a couple different ways. One way is that life is unpredictable. In other words, there is no telling what could happen next because no one knows their future. The second way of understanding the wider road is to signify change. When people become older and go through their struggles, or heir rocks, they become different people. Everything that a person endures allows them to grow into the person that they are. For instance, a child that has had a mellow life growing up suddenly decides to join the military when they become of age. They go to boot camp one person, but come back someone completely different. It is because they dealt with obstacles throughout boot camp and had to grow up int o an adult. That is a forced measure of growing up, but the concept is the same. Each trouble or ordeal they go through makes them into a better person. When the woman gets near the house she sees more changes. A house gone and one built a car, and items that were no longer there. Yet, she is so excited about coming back to place she grew up she does not really care. This, again, symbolizes the changes in life that occur. Once life has changed and the hardships are endured nothing is the same. Trials in life either become more difficult or easier to deal with. There is no telling but, nonetheless, the changes stay. Then the woman comes upon the two children playing in the yard. She attempts to say hello, but the children ignore her. She thinks it is because she is colored. The woman gets closer to the children and she attempts to say hello again. However, they do not answer still. When she gets very close to the children one of them say it is cold, so they leave. This is when she realizes that she is no longer among the living. Therefore, the entire trip she took symbolizes the entire cycle of being born to the moment of death. In conclusion, the symbolisms between â€Å"The Path Not Taken,† â€Å"A Worn Path,† and â€Å"Used to Live Here Once† are quite similar. All three are about life’s challenges and the struggles throughout life. There are always decisions that need to be made through life and there are always going to be obstacles that get in the way. It is getting through those tribulations that are the trick. Not only that, but it is crucial not to give up. The stories portray that indefinitely. In â€Å"The Path Not Taken† the man takes the road less traveled. Yes. He had to go through many troubles throughout his life, but in the end he chose the right path. In â€Å"A Worn Path† the old woman pretty much has to go through the same difficulties throughout her life, but her endurance presides over her. Therefore, she has made the right choice. Last, but not least, in â€Å"Used to Live Here Once† the woman path symbolizes the entire trek through life from birth to death. These three literary works are definitely worth reading, but they are also there to teach about life itself. References Clugston, R. W. (2010) Journey into Literature. San Diego, CA. Bridge point Education. (http://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 1/sec2. 2) (http://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 1/sec6. 3) (http://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 1/sec7. 5) Phillips, R. T. (March 1986) Diverging and Converging Paths: Horizontal and Vertical Movement in Robert Frost’s Mountain Interval. Vol 58, Issue 1, pg. , 17 p. American Literature. Moberly, K. (Winter 2005/Spring 2006) Toward the North Star: Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path† and the Slave Narrative Tradition. Vol. 59, Issue ? , p. 107-127, 21p. Mississippi Quarterly. Piwinski, D. J. (Winter 2008) Mistletoe in Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path. ’ 16 (1): 40-42. 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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Systems The WritePass Journal

Customer Relationship Management Systems Abstract: Customer Relationship Management Systems Available at: Fan, Y. W., Ku, E. (2010). â€Å"Customer focus, service process fit and customer relationship management profitability: the effect of knowledge sharing.†Ã‚  The Service Industries Journal. Vol.  30(2) pp. 203-223. Jayachandran, S., Sharma, S., Kaufman, P., Raman, P. (2005). â€Å"The role of relational information processes and technology use in customer relationship management.†Ã‚  Journal of Marketing. Vol.  69(4), pp.177-192. Lin, R. J., Chen, R. H., Chiu, K. K. S. (2010). â€Å"Customer relationship management and innovation capability: an empirical study.†Ã‚  Industrial Management Data Systems. Vol.110(1) pp.111-133. Ãâ€"ztaysi, B., Sezgin, S., Ãâ€"zok, A. F. (2011). â€Å"A measurement tool for customer relationship management processes.†Ã‚  Industrial Management Data Systems. Vol.  111(6) pp. 943-960. Payne, A., Frow, P. (2005). â€Å"A strategic framework for customer relationship management.†Ã‚  Journal of Marketing. Vol.  69(4) pp.167-176. Reinartz, W., Krafft, M., Hoyer, W. D. (2004). â€Å"The customer relationship management process: its measurement and impact on performance.†Ã‚  Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 41(3) pp.293-305.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Creative Metaphor - Definition and Examples

Creative Metaphor s A creative metaphor is an original comparison that calls attention to itself as a figure of speech. Also known as a  poetic metaphor, literary metaphor, novel metaphor, and unconventional metaphor.  Contrast with conventional metaphor  and dead metaphor.  American philosopher Richard Rorty characterized the creative metaphor as a challenge to established schemes and conventional perceptions: A metaphor is, so to speak, a voice from outside logical space. It is a call to change ones language and ones life, rather than a proposal about how to systematize them (Metaphor as the Growing Point of Language, 1991). Examples and Observations Her tall black-suited body seemed to carve its way through the crowded room.(Josephine Hart, Damage, 1991)Fear is a slinking cat I findBeneath the lilacs of my mind.(Sophie Tunnell, Fear)The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.(Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro)Yeatss Dolphin-torn . . . SeaThose images that yetFresh images beget,That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea.(W.B. Yeats, Byzantium)- Although this last line is acutely visual, its three main items, dolphin, gong and sea are as much literal as metaphoric elements of the scene: the poem had begun with the cathedral gong ringing out over the sea, and had gone on to speak of the dolphins in the waters around Byzantium. Of course, dolphin and gong also stand for something elsethe vitality of the living animal, the majesty and authority of religion over the spirit, but they do this primarily as images. Direct metaphor is reduced to a subordinate position here, in the words torn and tormented, since neither of them can literally be applied to water. The first very vividly catches the force with which the dolphin leaps from and returns to its elements. The second communicates the extent to which that element is troubled by the demands of the spiritual.(Stan Smith, W.B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction. Rowman Littlefield, 1990)- By using metaphors, much more can be conveyed, through implication and connotation, than through straightforward, literal  language. Take the case of . . . that literary metaphor dolphin-torn: what exactly is Yeats suggesting about the sea, and how else could this have been expressed? Just as writers convey meaning more open-endedly when they use metaphorical language, readers interpret less narrowly than they would literal language. So meaning is communicated between writer and reader in a less precise way, even though the metaphors may seem concrete and vivid. It is this imprecision, this fuzziness of meaning, which makes metaphor such a powerfu l tool in the communication of emotion, evaluation, and explanation too.(Murray Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Introducing Metaphor. Routledge, 2006) Creative Metaphors Outside LiteratureThe chaotic category creative metaphor includes typically literary examples such as novel metaphors and poetic metaphors. The crucial question is, however, whether it is possible to extend this category beyond literary examples. If this is possibleand an examination of the terms creative and creativity suggests that it isthen it will be possible to find many creative metaphors even in political discourse which is, actually, not very famous for being creative.(Ralph Mueller, Critical Metaphors of Creative Metaphors in Political Speeches. Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, ed. by Graham Low, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan, and Lynne Cameron. John Benjamins, 2010)Communicating Through Metaphors- Even though our individual stories are different, we communicate through the common language of metaphor by embodying our ideas in images and details. By ruminating upon ourselves, we also conjure stories of others. By this acknowledgment of othe rs experiences, we address a whole range of social, political, and cultural issues.Its impossible to live every life, fight every war, battle every illness, belong to every tribe, believe in every religion. The only way we come close to the whole experience is by embracing what we see both inside and outside the window of the page.(Sue William Silverman, Fearless Confessions: A Writers Guide to Memoir. University of Georgia Press, 2009)- The ground of appropriateness for a new insight provided by a creative metaphorthe compelling condition of the new similarity, what suggests that it fitscannot be restricted to a complex of established perspectives. For it is this complex, or some part of it, that is challenged by the new insight.(Carl R. Hausman, Metaphor and Art. Cambridge University Press, 1989)   See also: MetaphorLove Is a MetaphorThirteen Ways of Looking at a MetaphorUsing Similes and MetaphorsWhat Is a Metaphor?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Implications of Cars Running on Oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implications of Cars Running on Oil - Essay Example To save time, people head to their office on a personal car. This has, however, put much burden on economy and environment. While all the cars and transportation vehicles depend on oil, it is more likely that over the next decade the world will not have enough oil to fulfill the needs of cars. Â  Scientists have been looking for alternative fuel and combination of fuel which can reduce the burden on oil. There are many combinations of liquids that can be used along with oil to reduce the oil usage but the materials that can work well with oil in a mixture are all derived from food crops. This will lead to a burden on food crops and will affect the prices of the food items badly. Depending on food crops for food and as well as for transportation will put heavy burden and prices will soar so much that both will end up being not affordable. High prices will also increase the current food deficit all over the world. Many countries will not be able to provide the first basic necessity to their people which are food. This means adding a mixture of fuel to the equation and keeping the same ICE will not solve the problem over the next decades, it will only worsen it. This means that the initiative taken to completely eliminate the oil from the equation can solve the problem. Â  Many companies are working to invent batteries that can support EV (Electronic Vehicles), an idea which was dropped in the 19th century due to the dependence of EV on batteries which can only last 50 miles and needed replacement of battery very soon. There are also manufacturers who are reducing the car weight by replacing steel which helps in increasing efficiency of the cars running on any other fuel or material other than oil.